Congrats on the birth of your new baby!
Breastfeeding a new infant comes with a lot of unexpected turns and emotions. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of misinformation about what’s normal versus common, what babies need, how milk supply is affected.
- You may be a 1st time parent or one of many children.
- Your goal may be giving breastmilk for the first days or 2(+) years.
- Your infant may receive breastmilk from the breast or bottle.
- Complete nutrition may come from breastmilk or may need supplementation.
- Feeding may be going well, and you are looking to stay on track, or feeding may be far from ideal.
Regardless of your situation, I’m here to offer IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) support.
IBCLCs are the touchstone in the lactation world. Training and credentials include 90+ credit hours of lactation education, 300-1000 hours hands-on training and a board certified exam. Recertification occurs every 5 years with 75 CEUS and 250 hours of in-person practice.
With each consult, assessment of you and your baby allows us to address factors such as:
- latching and positioning
- under/oversupply
- oral tethers and revisions
- normative infant feeding behaviors
- high lactose proportions
- clogged ducts and mastitis
- food intolerances
- pumping
- returning to work etc.
In collaboration with one another, a feeding plan is developed based on your goals, assessments, weighted feeds, baby’s growth, milk supply, medical and historical data and other pertinent factors.